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Celebrating Your Success

Here at Centre of Excellence we are supremely proud to be at the heart of a vibrant community of hard-working students. The determination and enthusiasm of our students never ceases to impress us and there is nothing better than seeing our graduates go on to succeed in further education, work, business or just life in general!
Our awards are kindly sponsored by:
Entries are currently closed.
The Categories
Best Business Award
Best Business Award
This award is aimed at those that have gone on to set up a business after completing a course with Centre of Excellence. Tell us your story, how you went on to use your new skills and what sets you apart from your competition!
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Compare Business
Shining Star Award
Shining Star Award
This award recognises those that have gone on to make a difference in the lives of others. Caring, compassion and love is needed more than ever in today’s world; if you’ve gone on to help support and help others in some way we’d love to hear your story!
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Inspiration Award
Inspiration Award
This award is aimed at those that have shown dedication and perseverance to achieve their goals no matter what difficulties life has thrown at them. If you think this could be you we’d love to hear from you!
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Greenhouse Sensation
Outstanding Therapist
Outstanding Therapist
Are you helping your clients to make positive life changes? Do you make your clients feel like a million dollars and send them back into the world in a state of bliss? If you think this might be you we’d love to hear your story!
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BGI Insurance
Entrepreneur Award
Entrepreneur Award
Drive, ambition and a mindset for success are all the attributes that make up a successful Entrepreneur. We are looking for an exceptional individual who has identified a market opportunity and built an outstanding business around it, if this is you we’d love to hear your story!
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Pet Care Award
Pet Care Award
Do you pride yourself on working hard to provide the best possible care and attention to your customers and their pets? Or do you have a service for animals which you have grown using one of our pet care/training courses? If you have gone the extra mile for the animals in your life, then we want to hear from you.
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Choice Retirement
Achievement Award
Achievement Award
Have you gone on to really push the boundaries this year with what you believed was possible? Maybe you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone and made some big changes to achieve your goals; whatever your achievement we would love to hear your story!
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Contribution Award
Contribution Award
Have you helped to make a big difference to your local community this year? Maybe you’ve arranged activities or gone out of your way to help others? If this sounds like you we would love to hear your story!
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Grand Theatre
Learner Of The Year
Learner Of The Year
Have you really pushed the boundaries with your learning this year? Maybe you’ve completed a record number of courses or have gone on to do something amazing after learning a new skill. If you think you could be our Learner of the Year we’d love to hear from you!
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Previous Winners
Each of the stories of how our entrants have used the courses they’ve studied truly inspires us.
It’s always incredibly hard for us to choose our winners. To give you an idea of what we’re looking for, and what you can win, here are just some of the entries we’ve had from previous winners, along with the trophies and certificates they received.
Winners Trophies and Certificates