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Our courses include comprehensive support and guidance.

Get in touch

For the fastest response to your query please use our support widget, located in the bottom right corner of every page.

Click here to get in touch.

Or alternatively, you can contact our friendly course advisors by telephone or by email:

Training Centre

At Centre of Excellence, we work with a number of associations to ensure that our courses are of the highest quality and provide you with the skills and certification you need to succeed in your area of study.

We are partnered with the following associations to bring you the best value from your course and additional perks while you study and upon completion of your course.

Click the logos below to find out more.

Help us Make a difference!
Centre of Excellence are proud to introduce our Changing Lives Foundation, where each month we will make donations to some truly worthy causes, helping others in need and spreading a little love and positivity!

And this is where you can get involved. Do you know someone who deserves a helping hand? Are you taking part in a charity event? Do you wish to nominate a charity for a donation?

Please email your nominations to [email protected]

No matter how big or how small, we will consider all nominations. Collectively, we can make a difference.

Where e-learning becomes life changing!